Archives for President

President’s Report November 2016

Seasons greetings to you all, it isn’t long now before we are all rushing around to get our last minute jobs done before we head off to get together with family and friends or just have a quiet one at home. We have had a busy time here in Wellington with the printing of the booklets which have now been sent out to those of you who have requested them. It has been a long process and one we couldn’t have managed without help from our hard-working fund-raisers: Linda Bell,Allan and Sandy Edmondson and our Specialist Nurse Maureen Anderson and
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President’s Report August 2016

Bring on Spring, we all need that boost of sunshine, and we have had a good taste of it over the last few days. I hope that you have all mostly come through the winter spell here in New Zealand quiet well. We have been reasonably fortunate throughout New Zealand as it has mostly been mild, with just with one or two heavy snow storms here and there around the country. We had a sad start to July with the loss of Valerie Smith as you will read about later in this newsletter, she will be missed by our group
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President’s Report June 2016

It is with pleasure that I sit here in our warm living room, with the fire roaring on this cold June afternoon. Firstly I would like to thank all of you on the Committee for all your hard work over the year. Especially Maureen Kirby, our Southland Specialist Nurse, for raising a lot of money by producing and selling calenders for four charities, one being Scleroderma NZ (we received $900) and Linda Bell, from Scleroderma Waikato, for her great effort of another movie night charity raising $800 for Scleroderma NZ. Also many thanks to all of our members who have
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President’s Report

We have been extremely lucky with summer this year, it has been long and very warm and I’m sure it has given us all some relief in one way or another, but one of our biggest hurdles has been to keep cool, but not to get cold in the process. The society is coming together quite well, our booklets will be printed and posted to all rheumatology services and GPs who are keen to learn some practical and basic knowledge of Scleroderma. We’ll send the hospital check-list to those of you who want it with the help of an NZ
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President’s Report

We have some exciting news for December: Kim Tocker, one of our members in Christchurch joined with Arthritis New Zealand to hold her second meeting in Christchurch. Jan Ipenburg, a specialist Rheumatology Nurse from Christchurch Hospital, gave a talk about scleroderma, in general terms. She included a question and answer session. Well done Kim. This is a big effort and I know that your work is very much appreciated by all who have attended. Patients who belong to support groups and who take the time to attend support group meetings cope and feel better within themselves. I have included some
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President’s Report

It has been a busy year, and now Spring is just around the corner which is a big relief to us all. Our Society is coming along nicely; we are now a registered Charity along with our incorporated status and a bank account, so we are now fully operational. On the 1st of August Scleroderma NZ was very busy with both a seminar held in Hamilton organised by Linda Bell, with a very interesting programme and the Wellington group held their normal August meeting with a very interesting Speaker Amanda Johnston from working Hands, a great turn out all round.
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