Page 1 - Scleroderm NZ Inc Newsletter November 16
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? Welcome............................. 1                                     NUMBER 30  NOVEMBER 2016
? President's Report................ 2                                 FEBRUARY 2014
? Coeliac Disease ................... 3      NUMBER 19
? Clinical Trials........................ 4
? Travel Insurance Woes ......... 5          Scleroderma
? Waikato Seminar ................. 6
? Cope with Summer Heat ..... 7              New Zealand support group
? Rogue's Gallery ................... 8
? Christmas Recipe................. 9
? Contact............................... 10

Summer 2016

Welcome everyone to the last newsletter for
the year. We had a great meet for our end of
year meeting and had scleroderma people from
Auckland, the Wairarapa, Kapiti Coast, the Palmy
ladies, and a few from Wellington.

We had a great chat, a delicious afternoon tea, and many thanks to
Adrienne, who made us all an edible reindeer.

In this newsletter we have a report from our President, Dianne. Also,
we have an article from Pam who talks about living with Coeliac
Disease. She also has a recipe and you can contact her if you have
any more questions, or just want to chat about this disease. There is
a piece on new research and clinical trials for scleroderma. Barbara
has a piece on getting travel insurance, and there is an item on
coping with the summer heat.

We hope you are coping well with the earthquakes. Pretty scary
really. If it isn’t earthquakes, then the rain.

We are having a seminar in Wellington next May and would like
your input as to who you would like the guest speakers to be. Let
us know what else you suffer from besides scleroderma and we can
get someone to speak about that. For example if you have Sjogren’s
syndrome, psoriasis, digestive problems, etc. This will help us so we
can help you.

Wishing you all a very happy Christmas, and look forward to catching
up in the New Year.
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