Page 10 - Scleroderm NZ Inc Newsletter November 16
P. 10

Christmas Recipe

Cranberry Christmas truffles

• 1/2 cup  dried milk powder
• 4 tbsp   brown sugar
• 2 tbsp   cocoa
• 1 cup    sultanas
• 1/2 cup  sweetened dried
• 4 tbsp   milk
• 2 tbsp   butter

                       cocoa and icing sugar,  Steps
                       to coat truffles
                                               1. Place the first 5 ingredients in a large
Tips                                              bowl.

Make the same truffle and roll in              2. Heat the milk and butter together
coconut for a taste sensation that’s              very gently until the butter melts. Do
just as good!                                     not boil.

                                               3. Pour this over the cocoa mixture. Mix
                                                  well together.
                                                  If the mixture is too weak, add a little
                                                  more milk powder.

                                               4. Roll into small balls, about walnut
                                                  size – these truffles are rich. Roll them
                                                  in the additional cocoa or icing sugar
                                                  and then gently cover.

                                               5. Store in the fridge in an airtight
                                                  container to be eaten when desired.

                                               See more recipes at:
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