Page 7 - Scleroderm NZ Inc Newsletter November 16
P. 7

Coping with Summer Heat

Some tips for summer from the US Pulmonary Hypertension Association for keeping cool
when all around you are feeling the heat.

1. Remember that chronic illness interferes with your
    ability to tolerate heat. The body cools down by
    increasing heart rate, breathing rate and sweating.
    Medications can alter the body’s response to heat
    and ability to cool down.

2. Talk to your doctor before summer to make sure
    your health condition is at its best. Monitor your
    symptoms and call your doctor if you have weight
    loss or increased light-headedness, headaches or
    nausea. Water pills and fluid intake may need to be
    adjusted if you are in the heat and producing more

3. Pay attention to weather reports. Plan outside
    activities around the forecasted temperatures and
    heat index.

4. Move your outdoor exercise activities inside to a
    location with air conditioning. Run errands early in
    the day or late in the afternoon. Be sure to avoid
    peak temperatures. Never sit or rest in a parked car
    or enclosure where temperatures can soar.

5. Take a cool bath or shower. Lounge in a pool. Dip
    your feet in a tub of cool water.

6. Carry an umbrella or floppy hat for instant shade.

7. Wear cotton, loose-fitting clothing. Wear lightweight
    socks and shoes or switch to sandals.

8. Cool off with a fan — even outdoors.

9. Place ice on your wrist at the pulse site or a damp       By Traci Stewart, RN, MSN
    washcloth on your forehead or neck. Cool your skin
    with a mister or damp washcloth.                         University of Iowa Hospital
                                                             and Clinics
10. Use air conditioning and keep your blinds closed
    during the day. Even at higher temperatures, air
    conditioning takes the humidity out of the air,
    making it easier to breathe. If you don’t have air
    conditioning, go to a mall or library or friend’s home.
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