At our January meeting, Jenny, our organiser had us thinking as she asked us to say one thing we are ‘glad’ about.
Among the responses were Jenny’s delight that their 16 year-old son had gained his restricted driver’s licence and was out looking for after-school work.
Another member had just received word that he had a job promotion, another was they had attended a 90th birthday for their uncle and had a great family catch up.
The most practical was Beverly whose husband had made her a sewing table she can use in the warm lounge in the winter for her beloved sewing.
Good man Gerry!
A member had also heard a whisper that one of the visiting rheumatologists was hoping to start a study on why there are so many with scleroderma in the south, we hope this comes to fruition.
Thanks so much to Dianne and Gordon for their resolve to improve and educate us in all things scleroderma (hopefully there will a sprinkling of Southlanders at the seminar in May). Thanks Barbara and John for producing an excellent newsletter, it’s great to see what is happening in the rest of New Zealand.
Again, thank you Jenny and looking forward to meeting up again in April.